Popcorn – Attempt 2
aka this time it might work

Having been demotivated from continuing with Popcorn attempt 1 with all the strange, hard to track down memory bugs, I decided to start again (and write this series of blog posts alongside) but in Rust. I technically have already done some OS development in Rust, in the experimental pre-Popcorn times, but at that point had never used it before, and didn’t properly understand how to write idiomatic Rust. This caused a lot of borrow checker fighting and unnecessary unsafe blocks, which is why I made the decision to write attempt 1 of Popcorn in C++ instead.

A lot of the code for Popcorn 2 will probably come from porting and modifying Popcorn 1 (and I’ll probably leave Popcorn 1 on GitHub in an archive), but with changes where necessary to more fit in with Rust paradigms. A fair amount of code can be safely ignored – since I was trying to fully utilize modern C++ paradigms, I had gone to some work porting chunks libc++ (for STL types) and libcxxrt (for C++ exception handling), which can all be replaced with Rust’s own container and Result types.

Like with Popcorn 1, I’ll initially only be targeting amd64, but depending on how far this gets, might look into ports to other architectures later. To aid with this, I’ll be trying to keep architecture specific code in separate modules.

The first step then is to get cargo up and running, with a custom build script to assemble the bootstrap code, and link it to the rest of the Rust code.

Calling into nasm was easy enough – just loop through file paths, generate an output filename, then just call nasm with the right arguments.

for file in asm_files {

    let output_file = Path::new(file).file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
    let output_file = format!("{out_dir}/{output_file}.o");
    let status = Command::new("nasm")
            .args([file, "-o", &output_file, "-f", "elf64", "-F", "dwarf", "-g"])
    if !status.status.success() { panic!("Failed to compile {file}:\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&status.stderr)) }

I do plan to try and add support for jobserver in the future, with parallel assembly, but I think this is a good first start. Now onto the linking…

Linking the built files was fine – adding a call to print cargo:rustc-link-arg={output_file} on each file worked perfectly. Persuading rustc to use the kernel linker script however…

In theory printing cargo:rustc-link-arg=-T {linker_script} should work fine – and it does correctly pass the arguments onto lld. Which then promptly complains the file doesn’t exist. Relative file path issues? Nope – passing the absolute file path also fails with the same error. Yet copying the file path from the output of rustc and trying to cat it works perfectly fine.

[A few hours later]

There was an extra space. Between the -T in the linker argument and the path. Apparently lld decided that meant the path had a space before it. That has now been fixed, and the asm all links together with the Rust.

Overall, after sorting out the linker issues, I’ve found setting the project up in Rust much simpler than getting CMake up and running – CMake seems vastly more configurable, but cargo’s build.rs seems adaquate for this so far. Also, the build-std feature of cargo makes getting a modern stdlib much simpler than having to try and port or cross-compile libc++.

Code for Popcorn 2 is on GitHub.

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aka this time it might work

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